Saturday 31 March 2018


  Are you planning to book a flight and you are worried of how you would travel and enjoy your holiday at your destination, rent a car is here to offer solutions to your problems, click this link and immediately book with us or  


Join our program at Curadebt by joining our marketing team via this link


Is your business suffering with debt from an unpaid loan and your assets are at risk, contact us at        curadebt immediately by clicking the link

Wednesday 28 March 2018


Are you currently struggling with debt or tax? Is it your friend, state or company putting you on that pressure , do not worry, CURA DEBT offers the best solution to your problem and we at CURA DEBT do not mind of how much you owe the state, company or individual, contact as by clicking the link below for immediate solution to your problem.

About us
The team that founded CuraDebt had been helping individuals and small businesses locally since 1996 (in Irvine, California). In 2000, CuraDebt was formed to help even more people nationwide.
CuraDebt has been helping individuals and small businesses for over 16 years nationwide making the company and team one of the oldest and most experienced in the debt relief industry.
CuraDebt Tax has a team of experienced people that are qualified to provide help to both individuals and small businesses IRS or State tax solutions. The tax team has over 100 years combined experience with over 83 of it previously working at the IRS or other taxing authorities.
CuraDebt has an in-house debt relief program that is designed to help during times of financial hardship and save as much money as possible with your unsecured debt.
CuraDebt’s free consultation focuses on providing expert assistance, timely advice and solutions that are specific to your situation and your financial goals. The Cura Debt consultation is a no obligation, 100% free and confidential service.

The formation of a source rock.

This video explains the processes involved in the formation of a source rock. A source rock is a rock which contains sufficient organic matter and is thermally mature to begin expelling petroleum and examples includes shale and marlestone.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Peter Crooks experiment on Cathode rays

This video explains Peter crooks experiment which ended up with the discovery of an electrons. He observed this electrons as a stream of cathode rays in a Cathode ray tube. For more information, click on the above video and play it, you will get great insights about his discovery. Like and subscribe to my channel by clicking the red button below the video.



Debroglie formula for wavelength

This video explains the derivation the wavelength as done by Debroglie. He clearly explains how he derived it using two equations, one equation belonging to Planck and the other equation belonging to Einstein.

Basic chemistry in bonding

This video explains the basics of chemical bonding and highlights the key concepts associated with chemical bonding.

The van Krevelen diagram

The Van krevelen diagram is an important tool for the analysis of  source rock. It is useful in determining the the type of organic matter and knowing whether that organic matter will be capable of generating oil or gas, or both, or non of them. Like and subscribe to my channel for future videos if you are interested in learning about the trends in the oil and gas sector.



Physical and chemical alteration of petroleum

This video explains both physical and chemical changes hydrocarbons undergo while in the reservoir rock. This also looks at the forces that lead to these changes and how this changes occur. It also focuses on the effects of these changes on the quality of the hydrocarbons. Like and subscribe by clicking the red button below my video and we shall be communicating.



The most acceptable theory for primary migration of oil

This video explains the most accepted theory for primary migration of oil under the influence of gravity. This emphasizes primary migration as a phenomenon that begins from within the source rock itself. This is the oil phase formation theory. Like and subscribe to my video and we shall always communicating. Thanks,


The elements of a petroleum system

This video is based on the elements of a petroleum system. What makes up a complete petroleum system. This is an important video because if one of the elements or processes is missing, we seize to have an active petroleum system. For example we can be having a rock with sufficient porosity and permeability but if we there is no source rock to supply it with hydrocarbons, that reservoir rock is worthless even for any oil company to invest money exploring for oil there and a reservoir rock is worthless without a trap to hold the oil. A good timing for the formation a trap to prevent further migration of oil is important for a complete petroleum system.

What is petroleum and where does it come from

This video explains to the Lehman what petroleum is and the possible origins based on several proof and hypothesis put up by several scientists. I made it let Ugandans and the whole world know what petroleum is and where the word petroleum originated from. Like the video and do not forget to subscribe by clicking the red button on my You Tube channel for future videos related to oil and gas.

Porosity as a petrographic parameter

This video explains the importance and the effects of porosity during hydrocarbon exploitation. It bases on porosity as a tool which will affect the amount of hydrocarbon accumulation in the reservoir rock, as we know the more the pore volume to bulk volume ratio(porosity), the greater is the amount of petroleum accumulation. Porosity is at risks of being altered by secondary factors like cementation and plate tectonics. In carbonate reservoirs, plate tectonics at convergent plate settings ruptures the rock creating channels while in sandstones brings grains closure to one another reducing pore volume. 

The physical parameters of hydrocarbons

This video explains the physical properties of hydrocarbons including their response to heat and their flow properties. The flow properties of crude oil like viscosity, wax point and pour points are very important parameters when setting a heating temperature for crude oils in the pipeline. As we know that Uganda crude oil is waxy and at room temperature appears like shoe polish (kiwi). A suitable study must be done to analyze this effect and how it will be costly to the country as a whole in terms of profits from oil exploitation.

API gravity of crude oil